On Monday 17 June CHAC trustees Viv Gambling, Nick Jackson and Nick Piska took part in the London Legal Support Trust’s annual fundraiser, the London Legal Walk, walking with over 15,000 other participants from the legal sector including judges from the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. The event raises money for advice charities supported by LLST, like CHAC. TeamCHAC has so far raised over £500 (and nearly £700 once GiftAid is taken into account). And if you wanted to donate but haven’t yet done so, do not fear - it’s not too late to donate: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/CHAC
“We wanted to participate not only to raise some additional funding for CHAC, but also to show our support for the LLST and all the other organisations working in the charitable and pro bono advice sector, many of which are facing similar challenges to CHAC. The walk itself was great - we had good weather, a lovely route through the parks, and a festival atmosphere at the end. I’d like to thank all those who sponsored us - even small amounts make a big difference to people’s lives; for example last week we made a modest bond guaranteeing 1 month rent to help house someone, and the modest amount of money raised at the walk covers that.”